Songwriters Portal

MEMBERSHIP SPECIAL. Only $9.95 per month! New Songwriters Only.

This Special Offer Expires April 1st!
Look Below at What All You Receive With This Once per Year Deal.

Special Pricing $9.95/mo.

We have never offered our services at this low a price.

Offer Expires in April 1st

No gimmics, no strings. Our same Songwriters Services at less than half the price! Once per year membership drive for new members only. Pay $9.95/mo. through the end of 2025.

What Do You Have To Lose?

For the price of a Sonic Hamburger and a small drink....

If You Are a Songwriter

This might be the best decision you will make. Why? Check out our reviews page and read what current and past members have to say about us.

What Do You Get for a Hamburger?

You get unlimited support. Call, Email, Support Chat, Knowledgebase and our personal attention.

Do You Want References?

As far as I know, no one else will do that. And, these are current members you can get in touch with. Now, read on to see what is included.

Why Are You Here?

Well, that is pretty obvious. You are a Songwriter and want your music to be heard.

You Want to Be Heard!

Upload four songs per month using your own private, encrypted portal which you login to for access. View the status of your songs in real time. You are NEVER in the dark with us.

What We Do With Your Songs Once In Our System

Your Songs are sent to Music Industry Pros weekly.

We Have Over 1400 Pros

That is correct. Your songs, once approved will go out to music industry professionals. This includes producers, publishers, record company execs, and many other MIPs.

What About Song Status?

Check your song's status in Real Time 24x7 every day of the year.

Login to Your Portal and Look at the Song Detail

Click the Song Detail button next to the song you want to view in your song listing. You will be taken to the song detail page where you can view who your song was sent to and when.

Members Get Discounted Prices on All Services

For every service we offer, members get a hefty discount.

Check Out Our Services Page

Look at all of the services we offer. At the bottom of each page, you will see the members price and the non-members price.

Get An Experienced Middle-Man at No Cost

When a MIP comes knocking, we can help you negiotiate.

Years of Experience

When a Music Industry Pro becomes interested in your song(s), they will contact us. We don't get directly involved from a legal standpoint. However, we CAN advise you.

The Lyric Writer

Create and Store Your Lyrics using Our Lyric Writer Application Included.

Backed Up Daily

Never lose another lyric. Create, Edit, Remove. It is so easy, you will want to use it for all of your songs!

The Music Library

Add Your Songs to Our Public Music Library

Viewd by MIPS and the Public

As you upload songs, you can elect to add them to our public library. Many people view and listen to the original music daily. This includes Music Industry Pros.

Spotify? Pandora?

Add Your Songs to the Digital Streaming Services

Found On the Services Page

Add as many songs as you like to all Digital Services. Dozens of them. Simply sign up and pay $20.00 per song and have your songs playing on all services.

We Do the Research

So You Don't Have To

Always Searching to Help You and Your Music

We use our many contacts in the music industry to find new ways to market your music and get you heard so you don't have to.

You Have a Store

Sell Your Music for a Small Commission

We Can Add Your Music

We will add up to eight songs to our store at no charge. Our website gets hundreds of visits every day, including our music store. Only our members music appear in our store. See the Support Portal for more info.

World Class Support

Many Areas of Support are available to you, 24x7 7 Days per week.

24x7 Support Services

We take a great deal of pride in helping our clients with Questions. Start by visiting our Support Portal by pointing to Support in the main menu. Then click "The Support Portal".

Join Us Today! Only $9.95

Full Membership Privalege

Sign up and get started with us today! We specialize in excellent member support.

No strings attached and no gimmicks. Enjoy your $9.95/mo. membership with full privaleges until the end of 2025. Your membership will then convert to $23.95 per month. Our normal membership price.

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Company Information

  • Experience:Over 20 Years
  • Specialties:Music Management and Production
  • Time Incorporated:5 Years

About Our Limited Time Offering

Don't miss out on this Low Cost Membership. Save your money. You can tell that we don't do this for money. We love music and collaborating with songwriters.

You will only be charged $9.95 per month through the end of 2025. If you wish to keep you membership after December 31st, 2025, the new membership fee will be $23.95 per month or three hamburgers and a drink instead of one.


Place Your Order Below

Special Membership Package

  • Members Portal Access
  • Email Status Alerts
  • Store 20 Songs
  • Pitch Four Songs Weekly
  • Members Song Library
  • Members Store
  • Real Time Stats
  • World Class Support
  • The Lyric Writer
  • Discounted Services
  • The Support Portal
  • Ongoing Research
  • MIP Negotiation Assistance
  • Digital Streaming Service Access


** After the payment is processed via Paypal, you will be directed to the registration page. Thank you!!

** Call us at 817-642-7267 or email: